Who We Are
ECT organizers, staff, board members and consultants have many years of experience and accomplishments both nationally and internationally including:
- Extolling the benefits women police bring to end gender-based violence, restore peace, build community partnerships, and end excessive force that costs taxpayers millions of dollars each year.
- Co-founding ECT
- Partnering with organizations like the Duluth Domestic Abuse Intervention Project, The National Center for Women in Policing, Praxis International, Advocates for Human Rights, Battered Women’s Justice Project, and Global Rights for Women, etc.
- Designing model policies and procedures for the Office of the Minnesota State Ombudsman for Crime Victims.
- Drafting state legislation that enhanced penalties for sex traffickers, provided safe harbors and services for prostituted children, expanded reliefs within civil orders for protection, created standards for batterer intervention projects, and more.
- Working in cities and countries helping law enforcement, the criminal and civil justice systems, and NGOs/nonprofits in crafting policies and protocols, designing coordinated community response models, and conducting safety audits.
- Developing curricula including Creating a Process of Change for Men Who Batter one of the most widely used treatment/rehabilitation models for domestic abuse offenders in the world.
- Assisting advocates in NGOs with lobbying strategies to change laws.
- Publishing books, articles, producing films, writing curricula and providing hundreds of lectures, trainings and seminars on how to intervene in gender-based violence cases.
- Providing train-the-trainer workshops for law enforcement, advocates, counselors and community organizers.
- Consulting with governments, nonprofits, and NGOs nationally and internationally.