With Impunity: Men and Gender Violence for Education, Training, & Community Dialogues
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Reduced rate $200.00 and $5.00 for postage and handling. TOTAL $205.00
This updated and revised training video (DVD) With Impunity: Men and Gender Violence and comprehensive facilitator's guide is now available through ECT. The video now has six parts that can be shown in segments for training or it can be shown in its entirety. The facilitator's guide contains information for setting up a training or community dialogue. The facilitator's guide also includes questions to guide your discussion and exercises to deepen the participant's understanding of gender-based violence and ideas to create personal and institutional change in your community.
$205.00 (postage, shipping and handling is included in this price). Payment can be made through PayPal or by sending a check to ECT, PO Box 4124, St. Paul, MN 55104.
This training video, adapted from the original Emmy-nominated documentary created by Michael Paymar and Ellen Pence, explores gender-based violence by looking at the historical roots of men’s violence against women, the institutional supports that allow oppression to occur, the influence of our culture on men and boys, the backlash against the gains women have made and the paths toward change. The film follows the life of an Army Ranger who battered his wife, ended up in a standoff with the police and took a long journey toward change.
ECT has trainers and speakers for facilitating community dialogues, screenings, lectures and discussions based on the documentary. Please contact ECT at [email protected] for more information.
Praise for With Impunity
“This film isn’t anti-sex or anti-men and that’s what makes this film fresh and worth considering. One featured expert calls for a lot more sexual images in media –of the healthy kind. Others spoke about dangers faced by men throughout history who have defended and respected women and girls as equals.
The film focuses on one young man who witnessed violence in his
own home and not surprisingly, became a physically abusive husband. His dramatic turn-around is heartening, and it’s great launching point for discussion in our homes, houses of worship, businesses and coffee shops”. – Minneapolis Star Tribune
“With Impunity examines culture and history of gender-based
violence. Potentially a breakthrough shift in the way abuse and violence against women is discussed by looking through the lens of men”. --Women Press
“The documentary With Impunity was a huge success at our national conference on sex-trafficking.” --Breaking Free
With Impunity is a thought-provoking documentary that challenges us all to do more to end gender-based violence. We have used the film to train domestic violence sexual assault program advocates and volunteers throughout the state. At our state conference the film was screened and widely praised by the audience! –Tiffany Eskelson-Maestas Advocacy & Resource Director, Wyoming Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
This updated and revised training video (DVD) With Impunity: Men and Gender Violence and comprehensive facilitator's guide is now available through ECT. The video now has six parts that can be shown in segments for training or it can be shown in its entirety. The facilitator's guide contains information for setting up a training or community dialogue. The facilitator's guide also includes questions to guide your discussion and exercises to deepen the participant's understanding of gender-based violence and ideas to create personal and institutional change in your community.
$205.00 (postage, shipping and handling is included in this price). Payment can be made through PayPal or by sending a check to ECT, PO Box 4124, St. Paul, MN 55104.
This training video, adapted from the original Emmy-nominated documentary created by Michael Paymar and Ellen Pence, explores gender-based violence by looking at the historical roots of men’s violence against women, the institutional supports that allow oppression to occur, the influence of our culture on men and boys, the backlash against the gains women have made and the paths toward change. The film follows the life of an Army Ranger who battered his wife, ended up in a standoff with the police and took a long journey toward change.
ECT has trainers and speakers for facilitating community dialogues, screenings, lectures and discussions based on the documentary. Please contact ECT at [email protected] for more information.
Praise for With Impunity
“This film isn’t anti-sex or anti-men and that’s what makes this film fresh and worth considering. One featured expert calls for a lot more sexual images in media –of the healthy kind. Others spoke about dangers faced by men throughout history who have defended and respected women and girls as equals.
The film focuses on one young man who witnessed violence in his
own home and not surprisingly, became a physically abusive husband. His dramatic turn-around is heartening, and it’s great launching point for discussion in our homes, houses of worship, businesses and coffee shops”. – Minneapolis Star Tribune
“With Impunity examines culture and history of gender-based
violence. Potentially a breakthrough shift in the way abuse and violence against women is discussed by looking through the lens of men”. --Women Press
“The documentary With Impunity was a huge success at our national conference on sex-trafficking.” --Breaking Free
With Impunity is a thought-provoking documentary that challenges us all to do more to end gender-based violence. We have used the film to train domestic violence sexual assault program advocates and volunteers throughout the state. At our state conference the film was screened and widely praised by the audience! –Tiffany Eskelson-Maestas Advocacy & Resource Director, Wyoming Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault